We are all most done with our 5K training program. Tonight you might be ready to do the full distance of 3.1 miles. We'll start at our regular place and head out for a 3.1 mile out and back route.
If you aren't ready to do 3.1 miles you can turn around at the 1 mile mark and make it 2 mile mile route. That's up to you of course.
I'll put a water station at the 1 mile mark and you will come back by it at about the 2 mile mark. This will give you 2 opportunities to rehydrate.
I'll also set up a clock at the start/finish so you can see what your total time is for the distance you choose to do.
Next week's Monday evening session on May 14th is our last group session. We will start at 5:30 pm for a short session that ends with a mini-celebration back at the Tennis courts. If you are planning to join the Abe's Army orientation meeting at 6:45pm at the Nelson Center you will have time to get there before the meeting starts if you want to join us for the last training meeting.
REMINDER: So far we have 10 registrations for the Tortoise and Hare 5K. So there must be a lot of you that are waiting to sign up! We need your registration before the end of the week if you want a tshirt. We have 72 people on this mailing list. I'd like to see 40 or more of you participate in this fun 5K event on May 26th. Sign up now! Here's a link.
See you tonight!
This mailing list is announce-only.
A mailing list for participants in the events and training produced by the Capital City Striders.
We do not share your email address with any other group.