The Inaugural Tortoise and Hare 5K on May 26th is open for registration!
This event is geared towards all those walkers, walk-runners and runners who like to have fun while they are getting their Saturday morning exercise. We'll be running on the beautiful tree-lined streets of Leland Grove just south of Washington Park.
Get your tortoise and hare costumes together because we'll be giving out special awards to those with the most inventive costumes. Pair up with a hare or a tortoise and use your combined times to compete for prizes.
The Tortoise wave will take off first and the Hare wave will take off second. It's all fun so come out and enjoy the party!
As a registrant in the Capital City Striders 5K Training program you can use Coupon Code "CCS18" to get $5 off the registration fees. Just add that code on the payment page.
This is the first in a series of 5K's that we'll be producing to help get people moving and enjoying the outdoors in and around Springfield.
Come on Striders let's do this!