Capital City Striders Week One: Never Too Late To Start - Home work for week one.

From: "Capital City Striders" <bill.stokes@PROTECTED>
Date: April 3rd 2018

If you missed the first session here is what we did and your homework.  Hope you can get it done on your own.

Despite the cold and dampness of the air, we had a great turnout last evening.  We got the training started with a 1 mile walk that was timed.   Everyone finished between 14:30 and 19:50 minutes. 

The purpose of doing a walk only session is that it sets a time per mile base that will help you see what the maximum time you would spend to complete a 5K (3.1 miles).   As our training progresses we'll do more assessments.

Home work is 2-3 more 30 minute sessions on your own this week.  Go out for 15 minutes then turn around and go back to your start.  Get friends or family members to go with you if you can.  You can walk or do intervals with jogging, running or walking briskly.   Use the recommended intervals on the 5K training plan.

Also, extra credit for those of you that want to improve your stride and strengthen your core.

1 to 2 sessions this week.   Alternate between planks and good morniings.  20 secs each -10 second transition.  So you'll be doing 7 sets of each exercise for a total of 7 minutes.  Here's how to do the exercises. 

Here are 3 levels of the plank exercise.  You can also do these with a straight arm on your hands.  Do what you can.
Do this exercise with or without weight.
Have a great week!   Keep moving!


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